Scintillation Crystal Materials

  • Lacl3(ce) crystals belong to hexagonal system, the light output of LaCl3:Ce crystals is similar to the NaI(Tl) crystals, the decay time is 28ns, only 1/10 of NaI:TI, the energy resolution is 1/2~2/3 of NaI(Tl) crystals, they also have a good mechanical properties, excellent temperature performance, they have a good consistency of energy resolution within a wide temperature range.
  • Sodium doped Cesium Iodide or CsI(Na) CsI(Na) has a wavelength of emission peak at 420nm and is well matched to the photocathode sensitivity of bialkali photomultiplier and has a light output yielding to 85% of NaI(Tl).  Compared to NaI(Tl), it is a relatively soft and plastic material without cleavage plan which makes the material interesting where severe environmental conditions are encountered. 
  • CdWO4 crystal is characterized by high density, high atomic number and relatively high light yield with extremely low decay time.When subjected to x-ray irradiation, the after-glow of CdWO4 is very slow typically less than 0.1% after 3ms, and demonstrate very good resistance. All of these features are significant and make CdWO4 a primary scintilltion crystal for x-ray CT and in security inspection.
  •  With high density, high light output, low background radiation and short decay time, RGBS, as a good scintillation materials, which also has excellence properties: stable chemical and physical properties, non-hygroscopic and non-cleavability, easy processing. This kindly expends the range of application. Now, RGBS is widely used in nuclear radiation detection, safety inspection, medical imaging and other fields.
  • Cerium doped Lutetium Aluminum Garnet (Or Ce:LuAG chemical formula Lu3Al5O12) is a relatively dense and fast scintillation material. Its density of 6.73 g/cm3 is about 94% of the density of BGO (7.13 g/cm3). Its decay time is much faster (70 ns) than that of BGO (300 ns). This is of advantage in time dependent and coincidence measurements. The wavelength of scintillation emission is about 535 nm, which is ideal for photodiode and avalanche diode readout. The material can also be used for imaging screens, similarly to Ce:YAG. A particular advantage of Ce:LuAG is its higher density resulting in thinner screens with higher spatial resolution. The material is mechanically and chemically stable, and can be machined into a variety of shapes and sizes including prisms, spheres and very thin plates.
  •  Europium doped Calcium Fluoride (Eu:CaF2) as a efficient scintillation crystal, has been widely used in the application of low energy nuclear physics experiment, nuclear reactor detecting, radiation monitor and radioactivity medical science diagnoses.Hangzhou Shalom EO provides the crystals boules, blanks and polished elements.
  • Barium fluoride (BaF2) is a scintillator showing two wavelengths of emission (310 nm and 295 nm). The emission at 220nm has an emission with sub nanosecond decay time interesting for timing applications. It is used as the fast timing for: Positron Lifetime Studies, Time of Flight measurements, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Certain High-energy Physics Applications.

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