Laser Components
Laser Crystals
Nonlinear Crystals
Laser Optics and Components
Pockels Cells
EO crystals and AO crystals
Passive Q-switch Crystals
MgO:PPLN Crystals Series Products
Laser Polarizers
Femto-lasers components
CO2 Laser Optics
Birefringent Crystals


MgO:PPLN Crystals Series Products

  •  The blue MgO:PPLN crystal of SHG of 976nm laser which can generate 488nm laser are offered, 488nm laser are widely used in the bio-detection applications. The crystals is small in size and easy to be assembled into your DPSS laser systems.
  • MgO:PPLN crystals for 532nm laser generation with high-power up to 4 watts are offered, the output facet is coated with HR@1064nm and HT@532nm, it makes the OC mirrors unnecessary for your laser and will reduce the cost and the size of your laser systems.
  • The MgO:PPLN crystals chips for 532nm laser generation with high-power up to 4 watts are offered in Hangzhou Shalom EO. Both surfaces of crystals are coated with the AR@1064nm and 532nm; the OC mirrors is needed in this type of the MgO:PPLN Chips.
  • MgO:PPLN crystals are used as the frequency conversion element, which converts 1064nm laser to 532nm laser, the 1064nm laser is generated from Nd:YVO4 crystals pumped by 808nm LD, the PPLN crystals and Nd:YVO4 crystals are integrated and assembled with the copper heat-sink. The coating on the input surface and output surface form a laser cavity automatically, no mirrors are needed and the modules are compact in size with the output power of 100mW to 400mW. It is alignment-free element, easy to be integrated to your laser system.  
  • MgO:PPLN crystals are used as the frequency conversion element, which converts 1064nm laser to 532nm laser, the 1064nm laser is generated from Nd:YVO4 crystals pumped by 808nm LD, the PPLN crystals and Nd:YVO4 crystals are integrated and assembled with the copper heat-sink. The coating on the input surface and output surface form a laser cavity automatically, makes the mirrors unnecessary, it is compact in size with output laser power of 500mW to 1000mW. It is alignment-free element, easy to be integrated to your laser system.  
  • MgO:PPLN crystals are used as the frequency conversion element, which converts 1064nm laser to 532nm laser, the 1064nm laser is generated from Nd:YVO4 crystals pumped by 808nm LD, the PPLN crystals and Nd:YVO4 crystals are integrated and assembled with the copper heat-sink. The coating on the input surface and output surface form a laser cavity automatically, makes the mirrors unnecessary, it is compact in size with output laser power of 1000mW to 1500mW . It is alignment-free element, easy to be integrated to your laser system.
  • The 532nm laser system based on the MgO:PPLN technique are offered, the optical fiber coupling technique is used to get the high power, circular beam spot green laser output. The laser is compact in size and high price-performance ratio.
  • The 532nm laser system based on the MgO:PPLN technique are offered, it is spacial output, small sized and high output power. The laser could be used in the laser display, bio-medical and lighting applications.
  • the MgO:PPLN crystals for 561nm laser generation of SHG 1123nm are offered, 561nm laser are used in the bio-detections. The crystals is small in size and easy to be assembled into your DPSS laser systems.

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