Laser Components
Laser Crystals
Nonlinear Crystals
Laser Optics and Components
Pockels Cells
EO crystals and AO crystals
Passive Q-switch Crystals
MgO:PPLN Crystals Series Products
Laser Polarizers
Femto-lasers components
CO2 Laser Optics
Birefringent Crystals



  • Low(multiple) order waveplate is designed to give a retardance of several full waves, plus the desired fraction. This result in a single, physically robust component with desired performance. However, even small changed in wavelength or temperature will result in significant changes in the desired fractional retardance. They are less expensive and find use in many applicatios where the increased sensitivities are not an important.
  • The zero order waveplate is designed to give a retardance of zero full waves, plus the desired fraction. Zero order waveplate shows better performance than multiple order waveplates. It has broad bandwidth and a lower sensitivity to temperature and wavelength changes. It should be considered for more critical applications.
  • The thickness the this type of the true zero-order waveplates or retarders are very thin, the substrates are added to strengthen the waveplates, but in some applications of high laser damage threshold (>1GW/cm2), the substrates are not allowed, the special carefulness should be taken in operation on such waveplates without substrates. Hangzhou Shalom EO offer the two types of true zero order waveplates: without substrates and with substrates. The stocked modules are available for customer's selection in fast delivery and low cost.
  • Achromatic waveplate or retarders is made from two different substrate materials such as crystal quartz and magnesium fluoride. For the single material waveplates the working wavelength is very limited because of the dispersion of the material. While Achromatic Waveplate use two different kinds of material, the dispersions of the birefringence are also different. Hence such waveplate is not sensitive to the wavelength change.
  • Dual wavelength waveplates or retarders are multiple waveplate that provide a specitfic retardance at two different wavelengths, it's particularly useful when used in conjunction with other polarization sensitive components to separate coaxial laser beams of different wavelength. Hangzhou Shalom EO offers the custom dual wavelength waveplates upon customer's request, and the stocked modules are also available in fast delivery and low cost.

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