Laser Components
Laser Crystals
Nonlinear Crystals
Laser Optics and Components
Pockels Cells
EO crystals and AO crystals
Passive Q-switch Crystals
MgO:PPLN Crystals Series Products
Laser Polarizers
Femto-lasers components
CO2 Laser Optics
Birefringent Crystals


CO2 Laser Optics

  •  The scanning mirrors is light weight rectangular mirrors that used for high speed two-axis laser scanning system. The dimensions for each mirror have been calculated accordingly with the laser beam size. The mirror has high reflectivity of 99.5% or above. The scanning mirror usually mounted on to a galvanometer for scanning purposes. For two axis scan mirror, commonly the Y mirror has a bigger size compared with the X mirror. This is due to the fact that the X mirror is used to scan the Y mirror rather than the object directly.
  • Focusing lenses is indispensable part of the CO2 laser systems for laser processing (cutting, punching, welding, graving, etc) and other kind of applications, ZnSe are often used to make the CO2 laser focusing lenses. Two series of CO2 laser lenses:  Plano-convex series lenses and meniscus series lenses are developed and available in our stock for your choice. AR coating is always critical for the laser optics, our coating is high damaging threshold, durable and wiping-resistant, with a high transmittance of T≥99.5%@10.6mm for AR/AR coating. Our meniscus series lenses are optimal design in diffraction and aberration, which makes the laser beam has a minimum beam-spot diameter. Hangzhou Shalom EO also offer the optimal design service for your meniscus lenses.
  • Semi-insulating Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) provides an alternative to ZnSe in medium and high-power CW CO2 laser systems for lenses and rear mirrors. GaAs is particularly useful in applications where toughness and durability are important. Its hardness and strength make GaAs a good choice where dust or abrasive particles tend to build up or bombard the optical surface. Softer substrates allow particles to imbed in the optic even when the best coatings are used. Two series of CO2 laser lenses:  Plano-convex series lenses and meniscus series lenses are developed and available in our stock for your choice. Our meniscus series lenses are optimal design in diffraction and aberration, which makes the laser beam has a minimum beam-spot diameter. Hangzhou Shalom EO also offer the optimal design service for your meniscus lenses.
  •  Mirror is an important component in laser processing optical path system, which would reflect light in accordance with the predetermined route and direction. Coated silicon substrates are commonly used as mirrors for CO2 lasers. Its advantages are good durability, thermal stability and relatively low cost. The total reflectors are used as rear reflectors and fold mirrors and externally as beam benders. Silicon mirrors tend to be used by lower power CO2 lasers as flat fold mirrors, and in clean conditions where back spatter and dust will not cause catastrophic failure of the mirrors. Typically a Silicon mirror has 1/10th of the laser damage resistance of a copper based mirror
  • Uncoated solid Molybdenum ("Moly") mirrors are simply the toughest, most durable, longest lasting laser mirrors available. Molybdenum has the lowest thermal expansion of any commercially used metal, and will withstand extreme temperatures without significantly expanding or softening. It has a Melting Point of 2,623 °C (4,753 °F). For infra red uses, polished uncoated Molybdenum has a high natural broad band reflectivity, approx 98%.  Molybdenum mirrors need no coating; the extremely hard surface resists weld spatter, fumes, smoke and process debris. Molybdenum mirrors can be scrubbed with brushes, soak cleaned in organic solvents or detergents repeatedly.  Finally, the phase shift on reflection is very low and reliable (1 degree or so for CO2 laser) eliminating polarisation issues that interfere with sheet metal cutting. Molybdenum is useful where a mirror has to be used facing upwards, and prone to collecting dirt and dust.

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