Substrate for Magnetic and Ferroelectricity Film Growth

  • Because the dielectric constant and loss microwave band of MgO single crystal is very small, and the large size MgO substrate (diameter of 2 inches and larger) can be obtained, it has currently become an important industrial HTS thin monocrystalline substrate. MgO is an excellent single crystal substrate for thin films of Ferro magnetic, Photo-electronic, semiconductor and high Tc superconductor applications. There is also a growing amount of interest in using MgO substrates for the III to V elements, and in research studying the epitaxial effects of substrates on the crystallization of polymers. Other applications include the deposition of ferro electric thin film coatings on magnesium oxide substrates. And there are also growing applications for MgO in the field of plasma display panel (PDP) technology.
  • SrTiO3 single crystal provides a good lattice match to most materials with Perovskite structure.  It is an excellent substrate for epitaxial growth of HTS and many oxide thin films. Its lattice constant (3.905Å) fits the common high Tc superconductive material YBCO (3.88 Å) very well. It has twin-less crystal structure and very good physical and mechanical properties for film growth. It is suitable for various high Tc films such as YBCO, Bi-system, La-system and others. SrTiO3 is an excellent and wide applied High Tc superconductive single crystalline substrate.
  • LSAT - Lanthanum Strontium Aluminum Tantalum Oxide or (La,Sr)(Al,Ta)O3 is a mixed perovskite crystal substrate for epitaxial thin films in ferroelectric and high temperature superconductor devices.
  •  LaAlO3 single crystal provides a good lattice match to many materials with perovskite structure. It is an excellent substrate for epitaxial growth of high Tc superconductors , magnetic and ferro-electric thin films. The dielectric properties of LaAlO3 crystal are well suitable for low loss microwave and dielectric resonance applications. The cut blanks and epi-polished substrates are available in Hangzhou Shalom EO.
  • TGG single crystal, with large Verdet constant, low optical loss, high thermal conductivity and laser-damaged threshold, is widely applied in YAG, Ti doped sapphire lasers. TGG single crystal (Terbium Gallium Garne) is an excellent magneto-optical material used in various Faraday devices (Rotator and Isolator) in the range of 400nm-1100nm. (excluding 470 - 500nm) Therefore, it is widely used in measuring devices, lasers and optical fiber system. Shalom EO provides the customized and stocked TGG substrates for magnetic and ferroelectricity film growth.
  • Al2O3 crystals or Sapphire is a multi-function crystal materials with excellent properties: good thermos-stability, high thermal conductivity, high hardness, high transmission at infrared wavelength rang and excellent chemical stability. Sapphire is widely used in industrial, defense and security and scientific research fields. sapphire is also an important substrate materials for high temperature superconductivity applications, it can be used for film growth of Y-series, La-series, and it is also used to grow the superconductivity film of MgB2.
  • Gadolinium Gallium Garnet (GGG) single crystal is material with good optical, mechanical and thermal properties which make it promising for fabrication of various optical components as well as substrate material for magneto - optical films and high - temperature superconductors. It can be used for infrared optical isolator (1.3 and 1.5 um), which is made of YIG or BIG film on the GGG substrate plus birefringence parts. GGG crystal is an important substrate for microwave isolators and can be used as a HTS material, for laser technology, telecommunications, electronic.
  • Niobium (Nb) doped SrTiO3 (NSTO) single crystal has a similar structure to SrTiO3. NSTO crystals have different electrical resistivity values with depending on the Nb doping concentration. Nb:SrTiO3 is conductive.
  • TiO2 has large refractive index and can get high birefringence. It is an ideal material for making spectroscope prism and polarizing devices (opto-isolator and beam splitter). Compared with YVO4 crystal, TiO2 crystal has better physical and chemical stability. With high gloss, good whiteness, good dispersibility, good liquidity, extraordinary hiding power and good coloring power, good weather resisting property and chalk resistance performance.TiO2 has been widely used in various fields, such as decorative coatings, powder coatings, coatings used in the general industry and other industries. It also is applicable to the printing ink, Paints, paper-making, plastic color master batches, PVC, the plastic steel, sectional materials, tubes and pipes, Rubber, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, polyolefin, engineering plastics and so on.

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