Wafers and Substrates for Semiconductor

  • SiC is a semiconductor containing silicon and carbon. SiC (silicon carbide) has thermal conductivity and great energy to penetrate electric field. There is currently much interest in its use as a semiconductor material in electronics, where its high thermal conductivity, high electric field breakdown strength and high maximum current density make it more promising than silicon for high-powered devices.  SiC also has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion (4.0 × 10−6/K) and experiences no phase transitions that would cause discontinuities in thermal expansion. The main application area of it are high frequency power electron devices(l Schottky diodes ,MOSFET ,JFET ,BJT ,PiN diodes ,IGBT) and optoelectronic devices (it is widely applied in backing material of blue LED). 
  • The Cd0.96Zn0.04Te (CZT) is the preferred material using as a substrate, mainly due to its similar lattice constant to HgCdTe (MCT), transparency to infrared (IR) wave lengths to be detected by the MCT layer, as well as the excellent electrical properties, high absorption coefficient and moderate thermal expansion.
  • Zinc oxide substrate is one of the suitable substrate for wide band gap semiconductor application. Zinc oxide (ZnO) single crystals were grown by the hydrothermal method using a platinum inner container. The band gap is in the 3.4 eV range which makes it attractive for many of the blue and violet applications in opto-electronics as well as UV devices. Hangzhou Shalom EO provides the customized and stocked ZnO substrates for semiconductor applications.
  • Gallium arsenide (GaAs) is a compound of the elements gallium and arsenic. It is a III-V direct bandgap semiconductor with a Zinc blende crystal structure. Gallium arsenide is used in the manufacture of devices such as microwave frequency integrated circuits, monolithic microwave integrated circuits, infrared light-emitting diodes, laser diodes, solar cells and optical windows. GaAs is often used as a substrate material for the epitaxial growth of other III-V semiconductors including indium gallium arsenide, aluminum gallium arsenide and others. And this kind of substrates has good performance under high frequency, high temperature and low temperature, low noise and high radiation tolerance.
  • Pure germanium is a semiconductor. Germanium can be doped with 5-valent elements such as phosphorus, arsenic and antimony (N-type) or 3-valued elements such as boron , aluminum , gallium and indium ( P-type ) and is used extensively as a semiconductor . Germanium is also a good material for infrared optical devices and solar cell substrates.
  • Single Crystal Silicon for solar energy applications includes p-type and n-type silicon. Ultra high purity silicon is used in the semiconductor industry as a result of its semiconducting properties. Silicon is also used as an alloying element in the manufacture of certain alloys (e.g. ferrosilicon, an alloy of iron and silicon which is used to introduce silicon into steel and cast iron). Single Crystal Silicon is generally immediately available in most volumes. 

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