Laser Components
Laser Crystals
Nonlinear Crystals
Laser Optics and Components
Pockels Cells
EO crystals and AO crystals
Passive Q-switch Crystals
MgO:PPLN Crystals Series Products
Laser Polarizers
Femto-lasers components
CO2 Laser Optics
Birefringent Crystals


LBO Crystals - Lithium Triborate Crystals

Lithium Tri-borate or LBO crystals (LiB3O5) is one of the most useful nonlinear optical material not just for its relatively large conversion coefficient - 3x that of KDP, but also for its excellent physical properties. LBO crystal has broad optical transparency range from 160 to 2600nm. It excels in high power SHG with minimal thermal lensing as compared to KTP. Its large acceptance angle paired with small walk-off angle which reduces the beam quality requirement for source lasers.

LBO is widely used for SHG and THG of Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Nd:YVO4 and ultra-fast Ti:sapphire lasers. OPOs(Optical Parametric Oscillators) and OPAs(Optical Parametric Amplifier).