Laser Components
Laser Crystals
Nonlinear Crystals
Laser Optics and Components
Pockels Cells
EO crystals and AO crystals
Passive Q-switch Crystals
MgO:PPLN Crystals Series Products
Laser Polarizers
Femto-lasers components
CO2 Laser Optics
Birefringent Crystals


BBO Crystals for EO applications

BBO is one of the electro-optic material choices for high average power pockels cell applications. BBO has significant advantages over other materials in terms of laser power handling abilities, temperature stability, and substantial freedom from piezoelectric ringing. Because it relies on the electro optic effect, switching time - aided by the low capacitance of the Pockels cell is very fast. The wide transparency range of BBO allows it to be used in diverse applications. Double crystal design is employed in order to reduce required voltages and allowing operation in half-wave mode with fast switching times. Hangzhou Shalom EO offers the BBO crystals used in the pockels cells with AR coating and Cr-Au electrodes, stocked crystals of standard specifications is provided, and the customized special crystals is available upon customer’s request.