Laser Components
Laser Crystals
Nonlinear Crystals
Laser Optics and Components
Pockels Cells
EO crystals and AO crystals
Passive Q-switch Crystals
MgO:PPLN Crystals Series Products
Laser Polarizers
Femto-lasers components
CO2 Laser Optics
Birefringent Crystals


YVO4 Crystals

Yttrium Vanadate (YVO4) crystals have good mechanical and physical properties and are ideal for optical polarizing components because of their wide transparency range and large birefringence. They are an excellent synthetic substitute for Calcite (CaCO3) and Rutile (TiO2) in many applications including fiber optic isolators and circulators, beam displacers, Glan polarizers and other polarizing optics.