Laser Components
Laser Crystals
Nonlinear Crystals
Laser Optics and Components
Pockels Cells
EO crystals and AO crystals
Passive Q-switch Crystals
MgO:PPLN Crystals Series Products
Laser Polarizers
Femto-lasers components
CO2 Laser Optics
Birefringent Crystals


Nonlinear Crystals

  • Potassium Titanyle Arsenate(KTiOAsO4), or KTA crystal, is an excellent nonlinear optical crystal for Optical Parametric Oscillation (OPO) application. It has better non-linear optical and electro-optical coefficients, significantly reduced absorption in the 2.0-5.0 µm region, broad angular and temperature bandwidth, low dielectric constants. And its low ionic conductivities   result in higher damage threshold compared with KTP .
  • RTP (Rubidium Titanyle Phosphate – RbTiOPO4) is an isomorph of KTP crystal which is used in nonlinear and electro optical applications. It has advantages of higher damage threshold(about 1.8 times of KTP), high resistivity, high repetition rate, no hygroscopic and no induce piezo-electric effect with electrical signals up to 60 kHz. Its transmission range is 350nm to 4500nm. Hangzhou Shalom Eo offers the custom RTP crystals upon customer's request
  • Lithium Iodate or LilO3 crystal is an uniaxial nonlinear crystal with high nonlinear optical coefficients and wide transparency range of 0.5μm to 5.0μm. It is used to frequency double the low and medium power Ti:Sapphire, Alexandrite, Cr:LiSrAlF6 and Cr:LiCaAlF6 lasers. It is also used for frequency doubling and tripling of Nd:YAG lasers and auto-correlators for measuring ultra-short pulse width. In some cases, it is used in the parametric oscillation to get continuous tunable laser at 0.9μm to 1.2μm. The LiIO3 crystals is highly hygroscopic, it is suggested to put in a dry environment. LiTaO3 is a low damaging threshold crystals, it is not suitable for high power laser applications.
  • Terbium Gallium Garnet (TGG) Crystal Used for Faraday Isolators and Rotators TGG is an excellent magneto-optical crystal used in various Faraday devices (Rotator and Isolator) in the range of 400nm-1100nm, excluding 475-500nm.

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