
LaAlO3(Lanthanum aluminate) Crystal Substrates
LaAlO3 single crystal provides a good lattice match to many materials with perovskite structure. It is an excellent substrate for epitaxial growth of high Tc superconductors , magnetic and ferro-electric thin films. The dielectric properties of LaAlO3 crystal are well suitable for low loss microwave and dielectric resonance applications. The cut blanks and epi-polished substrates are available in Hangzhou Shalom EO.
Specifications |
Materials |
LaAlO3 crystals |
Orientation |
<100> <110> <111> |
Orientation error |
±0.5deg. |
Typical Size (mm) |
10x3 10x5, 10x10, 15x15, 20x15, 20x20 |
Typical thickness (mm) |
0.5mm, 1.0mm |
Thickness tolerance |
±0.05mm |
Size tolerance |
±0.1mm |
Surface finish |
SSP (single surface polished) or DSP (double surface polished) |
Roughness |
Ra<0.5nm |
Note: LaAlO3 substrate of other specifications are available upon request